A Travel Agent’s Guide to Spain

Exploring One of My Favorite Destinations.

When I tell you I have fallen in love with Spain, I mean it.

In fact, I have fallen so deeply in love with the country that I could see myself living there.

Spain is home to wonderful people, delicious food, unique traditions, and STUNNING scenery. Not only is it surprisingly affordable to travel there, but it is home to several beautiful, historic cities. I’ve been just twice, but have it on my wishlist to return several more times in the coming years. The whole country is diverse and there simply is too much to see in one or two trips. Even so, I still dream about the time I’ve spent there. 

My favorite stops have been in Barcelona, Granada, Ronda, Seville, and Majorca. I enjoyed learning about their art, religion, architecture, sports, foods, landscapes, and, one of my favorites, Flamenco music and dance. I’m envious of their sunshine and the rich culture they are able to experience daily. Have I told you how badly I want to make another trip?


If you’re considering a vacation to Spain, I highly recommend it. In fact, I recommend that you put it at the top of your list. If it’s your first time, I especially encourage you to continue reading to learn more about the diverse array of opportunities for adventures you have when you visit Spain.

When I first explore any new destination, my favorite thing to do is take a guided walking tour. They allow me to get a lay of the land and obtain a local’s perspective on the history and culture of their country. Sometimes, I’ve even had the privilege of taking phenomenal, free walking tours (tips only!), especially in Spain. So, no matter what city you plan to visit, I suggest that be the first thing on your list.

In the meantime, let me give you an overview of my time in several Spanish cities. Maybe one will particularly strike your fancy. If that’s the case, I would LOVE to help you plan your vacation.



Barcelona is the capital of Catalonia, an autonomous region that has attempted to break away from Spain. So, while they are still a piece of Spain and possess a lot of the same culture, they also have their own rich history, language, and traditions. That being said, the community is beautiful and quite unique. There is no shortage of experiences!

Some of my favorite Barcelona activities include:


      • Guided walking tour of the city to begin the visit

      • Exploring La Rambla, Barcelona’s most famous street

      • Visiting La Boqueria, Barcelona’s oldest market, a great place for drinks & tapas

      • Strolling the variety of neighborhoods, each with their own unique ambiance

      • Seeing the works of Architect Antoni Gaudi at the La Sagrada Familia, Casa Milia, and the spectacular views from Park Guell

      • Visiting the Picasso museum and viewing the over 4,000 pieces of art

    The Food

    The food in Barcelona is a MUST. No matter how long you plan to visit, do not leave without trying at least a couple snacks or meals. I recommend:


        • Paella – LOVE IT

        • Spanish Cheeses

        • Chorizo

        • Jamón Ibérico

        • Tortilla de Patatas

        • Padron Peppers

      Their tapas in general are a unique experience. Some bars still practice the art of giving a free tapa (small bites) with every drink you order. Which is absolutely worth it because Spanish wines are lovely.

      If you’re looking to make a day of Barcelona, join in the tradition of the “paseo,” a leisurely stroll through the city streets in the evening as people head out to the plazas and squares to enjoy drinks, tapas, or a meal. Or, lay out on the beach and enjoy the sunshine. At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong.


      Grenada is gorgeous and full of surprises! Located in southern Spain in the Andalusian region, it is unique and a special place to experience.

      Some of my favorite Grenada activities include:


          • Guided walking tour of the city to begin the visit

          • Visiting the undeniable jewel of Grenada, the hilltop fortress Alhambra, which is the last and finest Moorish palace

          • Exploring the maze-like streets and lively neighborhoods

          • Shopping in Alcaicería, best known for the Great Bazaar and tourist shops

          • Visiting Realejo, the old Jewish quarter that looks more like an art gallery than a neighborhood

          • Experiencing a relaxing massage at the tranquil Arab baths at Hammam al Andalus

          • Taking in the breathtaking views of San Nicolás Viewpoint over the Alhambra and Albayzín

          • Dining at Huerto de Juan Ranas for views of Alhambra and all of Grenada

        The Food

        Grenada is known for free, delicious tapas with every drink! Don’t you dare leave without stopping to try at least one.


        Ronda is honestly more difficult to travel to, but absolutely worth the effort. It is a relatively small town growing in popularity among tourists. Honestly, I’d love to keep this place a secret, but it is too beautiful to not share with you! It is a village of Andalusia and perches above an incredible, deep gorge.

        Some of my favorite Ronda activities include:


            • Guided walking tour of the city (do you see a trend here?)

            • Wandering the beautiful streets of the town

            • Walking the Puente Nuevo Bridge over the canyon with breathtaking views

            • Visiting the Corrida Goyesca, a unique and historical bullfight in September and highlight of my trip

            • Walking the stunning square, Duchess of Parcent Square

            • Exploring Plaza del Socorro, a pretty square surrounded by terraces and bars

          If you’re up for a more unique Spanish excursion, Ronda is the place to go. While it is growing in popularity, the city has yet to gain the attention that places like Barcelona have! It’s a great place to check off your list.


          Seville is the capital city of the southern autonomous community of Andalusia. The cultural traditions are prominent in daily life here. Seville’s ambiance is what I’ve always envisioned when I say I’ve dreamed of living in Spain. The city is beautiful and laid back with incredibly unique charm.

          Some of my favorite Seville activities include:


              • Guided walking tour of the city

              • Taking a Seville siesta

              • Leisurely strolling through the historical, narrow streets

              • Relax and enjoy a long, drawn-out, multiple course meal

              • Visiting Real Alcazar, a UNESCO World Heritage site, and the oldest Royal palace in Europe that is still active

              • Exploring Seville Cathedral, the largest gothic cathedral in the world

              • Taking an afternoon stroll through the Plaza de España

              • Enjoying an evening of Flamenco dancing

              • Enjoying a private tour in the countryside, visiting an olive oil farm


            Majorca is one of Spain’s Balearic islands in the Mediterranean. It is home to dramatic landscapes where mountains are just steps away from the beach. The capital, Palma, is a good place to start your Majorca exploration, but it is worth renting a car to further explore the breathtaking views and charming villages.

            Some of my favorite Seville activities include:


                • Guided walking tour of the city

                • Renting a car to explore charming villages like Valldemossa and Sóller

                • Enjoying the Mediterranean lifestyle and cuisine

                • Day tripping to visit the beautiful and unique beaches

                • Renting accommodations on the beach to relax with a sangria

                • Enjoying a beachside massage

              As you can see, there is no shortage of places to explore in Spain. The culture and history are rich, and there are plenty of places to enjoy authentic cuisine. From exploring charming villages to relaxing on the beach to learning in historic museums, it’s easy to spend a week or more in any city.

              If any of these cities have piqued your interest, I’m here to help you! Whether you want an adventurous European experience, or are looking for a relaxing getaway, I would love to help you craft your own, custom, authentic, Spanish experience.

              If you’re up for it, book a free consultation, and we can start dreaming up a plan.


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